Colorado Gun Stores Fight Back Against Migrant Gangs Using Children For Smash And Grabs 

If you’ve seen the news in recent weeks, then you know America is dealing with repercussions involving migrant gangs due to a crisis on our southern border. Specifically in urban areas designated as sanctuary cities, the situation is growing out of control with violence and crime spilling out into surrounding suburbs, as is the case … Read more

The Tragedy Continues: 31 Shot, 5 Killed in Chicago Memorial Day Weekend Violence…And We Still Have Today to Go

Between Friday and Sunday this weekend, Chicago witnessed what has become its almost expected tragic surge in gun violence, with at least 31 people shot and five fatalities. The violence underscores a simple fact: the city doesn’t have a gun problem, it has a crime problem, more pointedly, it has a gang crime problem. And … Read more