I Generated a Barcoded Form 4 for A Silencer: Here’s What Happened

The folks at Dead Air Armament, Gemtech and Silencer Shop have gotten together with ATF to create a Form 4 generator. The process automates some of the data entry involved with ATF processing forms. Makes sense right? Automating the regulatory process should make the government more efficient. Pundits are prognosticating processing times will drop. Yes, well . … Read more

Silencer Review: Gemtech Lunar 9 Suppressor

https://youtu.be/uAN2AUA0MW8 It’s official; the silencer market has gone modular. Which makes sense given you’re asked to plunk down $200 in Federal tax and wait about as long as it takes to make a new human being before receiving approval to take that new suppressor home. Long can? Short can? Booster? Fixed mount? Yes, yes, yes, … Read more

Hands on (Again) with Gemtech’s Integra Upper – SHOT Show Range Day

Jeremy and others have already seen the Gemtech Integra at various shows over the past year, but this was my first time putting hands on one at the 2017 SHOT show. Unlike a traditional short barreled AR 15 + silencer, commonly referred to as a “two stamp” rifle, the Integra has a pinned and welded shroud … Read more

Gemtech Announces Lunar 45 Pistol Silencer

New for 2017 is Gemtech’s entry into the modular .45 pistol silencer market with the Lunar 45. The Lunar, like many of its competitors in the market, features the ability to be broken down from a long length to a short configuration with a bit less weight and better maneuverability. Using 230 gr .45 ACP, … Read more

NWSSE: GEMTECH Integra Uppers

Somehow we managed to miss GEMTECH‘s new Integra integrally-suppressed AR uppers at the NRA Annual Meetings this year, but my pal “CASES4CASES” found them at the Northwest Shooting Sports Expo. By pinning and welding a monocore suppressor to the end of a ~10″ barrel, GEMTECH achieves a 16.1″ “barrel” length and you avoid the hassles … Read more