I was at a gun store recently. The clerk behind the counter showed me a gun I wanted to see. He said, “she’s a beauty, isn’t she?” Got me to thinking . . . Why do we assign gender to inanimate objects? I’ve done a lot of thinking and research into this. Well “a lot,” as in “I did a Google search.” And I think I’m on to something. (That’s on TO something RF. Not ON something.) I think it started with, as Glenn Beck would say, the Frenchy French.
USPSA Board Proposes Gender Equity Committee
The United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) will discuss a motion at its February 24, 2025, board meeting to address gender equity in the sport by establishing an ad hoc advisory committee. The motion, detailed in the meeting agenda [USPSA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda, February 24, 2025, p. 17] proposes a committee of 10 … Read more