Chaos Theory: George Soros Takes an Integrated, Long-Game Approach to Destroying Gun Rights

By Lee Williams Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and Open Society Foundation’s George Soros may appear to have similar goals. They have each spent massive amounts of their personal fortunes in pursuit of their political objectives through networks of shadowy cutouts, foundations and nonprofits. Both champion big government and abhor personal freedoms – … Read more

MURDER CITY: Shots Fired Across the Street From Set of Chicago Fire Production Set During Filming

Young criminals with guns run the show in Chicago. Between the Soros-funded prosecutor Kim Foxx decriminalizing crime, the state’s decarceration policies, and Mayor Lori Lightfoot defunding and denigrating the local police, the bad guys victimize people with impunity. As Tucker Carlson says, “it’s what the collapse of civilization looks like.” How bad is it in … Read more

SOROS CASH PAYS DIVIDENDS: Cook County Prosecutor Seeks ‘Resentencing Initiative’ Early Release For Violent Career Criminals

Imagine the handful of incarcerated criminals who might deserve an early release. Yes, there are those who probably pose a minimal risk to others in the community. Last year, the Democrat-run Illinois legislature and governor approved a new law to allow prosecutors to petition for re-sentencing inmates deemed to deserve an early release. With the … Read more

Soros Backing State Attorneys General Working to Support Mexico’s Attempt to Bankrupt the US Gun Industry

By Larry Keane It should raise eyebrows when 14 state attorneys general side with a foreign nation trying to sue U.S. gun manufacturers out of business. After all, these are individuals sworn to defend the rights of the citizens of their states and defend the Constitution. It raises the question of who and what would … Read more

More Carjackers Failing, Including a Shoot-Out With Police [VIDEO]

Carjackings have spiked across America’s big cities, especially those with Soros-funded prosecutors who don’t prosecute criminals. As a result, Philly’s dealing with nearly ten per day. Chicago criminals makes Philly’s look like amateurs. Young people think it’s an easy way to pick up a new ride without working too hard. Sometimes, though, it doesn’t go … Read more

With 684 Homicides So Far, Chicago Threatens to Axe Half Its 13,000 Cops Over Vaccine Mandate Refusals

If there’s a city in America that can’t afford to fire half its police officers, that would be Chicago. Yet here we are. Nearly half of Chicago’s 13,000 sworn cops have declined to share their personal health history regarding vaccinations with the City of Chicago by last Friday’s deadline. Now, they face termination by the … Read more

Feud: Philly’s Democrat Mayor and Police Commissioner Want Soros DA to Do His Damn Job

  [Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle] Outlaw said police believe some of the main drivers of the spike in violence since the spring of 2020 are domestic incidents, neighborhood beefs that escalate on social media, and narcotics sales. She also said officers are taking a record number of guns off the street, and an Inquirer analysis earlier … Read more

Need Another Reason to Carry? Cops Make Arrests Resulting in Convictions in Just 2% of Major Crimes

Welcome to 2021. For those of you out there who have not made a resolution to pack heat every day for personal defense, here’s a fact to consider. Police make arrests in just 11% of major crimes nationwide. Here’s another factoid.  Only 2% of major crimes result in a conviction of the guilty party. There … Read more

Did You Think the Crime Surge Would End After Covid? Think Again

A new breed of prosecutors has been elected in urban centers all over the country in the last four or five years, virtually all of them heavily supported by billionaire George Soros. They have politicized their offices and the criminal justice system, picking and choosing — based on “social justice” considerations — which laws they … Read more