The Newest Anti-Gun Smear Isn’t Nearly As Clever As Georgia Democrats Think [VIDEO]

Georgia’s Democrats aren’t taking the passage of a constitutional carry bill well at all. They’ve released a new video featuring someone described as a former police officer. The video — produced by the Democrats and approved by Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams — is intended to spread fear in the public mind over constitutional carry. And … Read more

Atlanta Mayor: Enough Shooting is Enough…But Don’t Send In the National Guard

As the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Bill Torpy wrote last week, “Violence is off the chain in Atlanta.” And that was before the holiday weekend’s mayhem which included 31 people shot, five of them fatally. One of those was an 8-year-old girl whose death prompted Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms to pronounce that “enough is enough.” “You can’t … Read more

Trump: If Stacey Abrams is Elected, Georgia’s ‘Second Amendment is Gone’

As we’ve noted here in the past, Georgia Democrat Stacy Abrams, who’s running a strong campaign against Republican Brian Kemp, is as staunchly anti-gun as it gets outside of California. She’s all-in for waiting periods, universal background checks, stand your ground repeal, and an assault weapons ban with confiscation. That record prompted President Trump, who … Read more