NRA Spends Big Bucks on Hershel Walker in Georgia Senate Run-Off Election

The left’s eternal bogeyman on gun rights, the National Rifle Association, had made a $1.5 million push to help get Hershel Walker over the finish line in the Georgia run-off election for US Senate. The former Heisman Trophy winner and 12-year NFL veteran gives Georgia residents a viable alternative to the so-called reverend, slumlord, and … Read more

Georgia’s #GUNVOTE Could Decide the Balance of Power in the US Senate

Polling shows a tight race for a U.S. Senate seat that could determine the balance of power in the next Congress. The stakes for the Second Amendment couldn’t be higher. Georgians watched a debate between their two U.S. Senate candidates leading up to the midterm election on Nov. 8. Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) and challenger … Read more