Murphy’s Litmus Test, LA Gangs’ Ghost Guns and a Second Amendment Extremist – TTAG Daily Digest

CT-Sen: Chris Murphy (D) Makes Gun Control Laws A Litmus Test On Trump’s SCOTUS Nomination Bless his heart. He thinks his vote actually matters. As if he’d vote for any nominee Trump names . . . For the most part, the Supreme Court has declined to hear (Second Amendment) cases, including one challenging the assault weapons … Read more

New Jersey Attorney General Threatens Makers of 80% Lowers

“These weapons are illegal in our state. Your actions violate the laws of New Jersey and, if you do not stop these activities within 15 days, I will bring legal action against your company.” – New Jersey Attorney General Gubir Grewal in Phil Murphy’s attorney general fires warning shot at ‘ghost gun’ makers [via]

Gun Controllers Discover the Laws of Economics and the Reality of Regulation: IMI Systems Quote of the Day

“Guns have been more or less controlled in the same ways since the rise of industrial production. As you clamp down on legal supply chains, you have to ask the question: Are there parallel illegal supply chains that are available substitutes?” – Mark A. Tallman in People Are Making Completely Untraceable Guns in Their Homes—Driving a … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Stealth Gun Registration, The Futility of Gun Control and a Gun-Lover’s Pipe Dream

Wait, you mean a gun control bill proposed by a New York Democrat isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? . . . Proposed NICS Fee Bill Would Also Create Gun Registry A measure introduced in Congress that would require gun purchasers to pay a fee for their NICS background check would also create a … Read more