New Wave of Oppression Begins for Gun Owners in New Year

While they are often billed as “common sense” and “public safety,” the gun laws passed by our government rarely achieve either. In fact, more often than not, they are merely another step toward oppressive governmental control designed to disarm a law-abiding populace and strip them of their ability to defend themselves. More blatantly, they are … Read more

Anti-Gunners Paint Themselves Into a Corner Refusing 3D-Printed Guns at ‘Buyback’

A gun control group in New Mexico recently announced yet another gun “buyback” event. This time, though, there’s a twist: no 3D-printed guns are allowed. We’ve seen this before, but this time the group managed to paint themselves into a corner when they refused to respond to some very simple questions about the policy The biggest … Read more

Why Has a Minnesota Man Been Charged With Two Felonies for Making Legal Firearms for His Own Use?

Despite the best efforts of the Biden Administration and the weaponized regulatory apparatus that is the ATF, it’s still legal for Americans to build their own firearms in most of the United States. Since a now obscure California politician coined the goosebump-inducing moniker “ghost gun” almost a decade ago, the Gun Control Industry™ latched onto … Read more

Pro Tip: Don’t Use Snapchat To Illegally Sell Your Illegally Manufactured Guns to Undercover Officers

According to court documents, [Andrew Jace] Larrabure-Tuma used Snapchat to advertise guns for sale. During the investigation, Larrabure-Tuma sold guns to undercover officers and a confidential informant. Larrabure-Tuma, who could not legally purchase a gun in the state of California, ordered kits from the internet, including from a company called Polymer80, a licensed firearms manufacturer … Read more

AMNY: It Turns Out ‘Ghost Guns’ Are Traceable After All

Leave it to the little media outlets to publish the truth that corporate media organizations would prefer to avoid. In this case, AMNY, a tiny publication, did some actual journalism about so-called guns without serial numbers – termed “ghost guns” by those who want to ban Americans from making guns at home. In the AMNY … Read more

The ‘Ghost Guns’ That Time Forgot

Reader James Kaleda writes . . . Gun rights deniers are increasingly up in arms about 3-D printing and the making of “ghost guns.” Many states, such as New York and New Jersey, have jumped on the bandwagon, passing laws intended to prevent people from purchasing certain parts, downloading 3-D plans, and all kinds of … Read more

An Inconvenient Truth: The Constitution Protects Home Made Guns

From the FPC . . . The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced today a timely new scholarly article on the Second Amendment right to self-manufacture arms, including firearms. “The American Tradition of Self-Made Arms” is based on original research by FPC’s director of constitutional studies, Joseph Greenlee, and traces the right from Colonial America through modern times. … Read more

McKevitt: The Real Threat to America Isn’t ‘Ghost Guns,’ It’s America’s ‘Gun Capitalism’

Subsequent gun panics followed a similar pattern: authorities and the media would use moralistic language to denounce a small segment of gun commerce as responsible for changing patterns of violent crime, and push for reforms to criminalize an imagined unvirtuous gun user. The arrival of handguns from Austrian manufacturer Glock, which replaced some metal or … Read more