Girsan Regard MC: Turkish M9 Clone Review

The Beretta M9, the US military’s adopted version of the Beretta 92FS, was adopted amid a flurry of controversy during the acquisitions process. Despite some growing pains (and slides flying off), the M9 eventually grew into a long serving sidearm, familiar to any who served from the mid 80s through early GWOT. Consider it no … Read more

SHOT Show: The Girsan MCP35 PI…A Compact, Easier Carrying Hi Power

Like any red-blooded American, I love John Moses Browning’s Hi-Power design. Last year I was quite excited to see variants from Girsan, Springfield Armory, and FN. This year the Hi-Power is still very much on people’s minds, and Girsan is delivering a rather novel design in the form of a compact model. The MCP35 PI … Read more

Springfield Armory Sues EAA For Alleged Copyright Violations

Tis the season for resurrecting the much-loved Browning Hi-Power 9mm pistol. Springfield Armory teased its new product — Springfield’s new Hi-Power reincarnation, the SA-35 pistol — in a series of advertisements and on its SpringfieldPremiere website. European American Armory took Springfield’s image, did a little photoshopping and then published it to promote their own Girsan … Read more