Glenn Beck Boils Down the Anti-Gun Left’s Arguments on Gun Ownership and Firearm Exports

GLENN: Dateline Washington. The Commerce Department is halting exports of most US-made firearms for 90 days, and reviewing its support of the country’s biggest gun trade show to ensure such backing does not undermine US policy interests. Steps that could slow two decades of growth of gun sales abroad. We go to Stu…Burguiere. Our analyst … Read more

The SE Cupp Interview

Author. Conservative Thinker and Commentator. Atheist who nonetheless decries the Mainstream Media’s treatment of Christianity. Talk show host. Hunter. All these words and more describe the vivacious, articulate, stunning SE Cupp, the woman who proves, conclusively, that brains, beauty, logic, reason, and wry humor can come in a single package. I am in awe. Although the peripatetic Ms. Cupp’s travel schedule precluded a phone interview for now (although hope springs eternal), I was able to get her to answer some questions in writing about guns, the 2nd Amendment, and how a hunter can survive in the asphalt jungle of New York City . . .

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Book Review: The Five Thousand Year Leap

Gun rights. I can’t think of anything more important to TTAG readers, given our collective interests in things like self-defense, shooting sports, and collecting firearms. And when we read stories of how people in our government – people like our President and Supreme Court Justices – can make idiotic statements indicating that they feel our rights should be taken away with the stroke of a pen, it makes me think what we need is to gird ourselves with the power of knowledge. So where should we start?

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Glenn’s on Fire for the NRA.

Liveblogging Glenn’s Keynote…

8:20 – Glenn Beck is on stage. And the crowd goes NUTS.

8:21 – They’ve brought out a blackboard. Glenn mock bows to it.

8:22 – Glenn lowers the TelePrompTer screens. Says “Those things piss me off!”

8:24 – “This is really a sting…close the doors boys…the nuts are all in one place.”

The crowd is eating up his every word.

Beck is talking about the Progressive plans – from the days of Wilson to the present. He’s pointing out that the very path that Obama’s taking us is the path that the International Monetary Fund has told Greece to abandon.

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Newt Gives a Fig About the 2nd.

You gotta hand it to the NRA. When a last-minute scheduling conflict prevented Sean Hannity from delivering tonight’s keynote address, who did they tap to take his place? Last year’s keynoter, Glenn Beck. (For Conservatives, that’s like saying “hey…Thomas Paine had to cancel…but it’s okay. We got Patrick Henry to take his place.”) So who’s … Read more

NRA(nd) Away We Go…

As RF mentioned earlier, I’m about to fly out to Charlotte, NC for the anual National Rifle Association confab. (And boy will my arms be tired.) The keynote speakers will be Gov. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, so I’m expecting this to be a pretty interesting get-together. Of course, what NRA convention would be complete … Read more