Gun Review: Glock 26 Gen 4 [Updated 2018]

When conversation turns to the subject of Gaston’s creations, it seems that most people fall into one of two categories. The first are those who think that Jesus Christ (or your personal religious deity of choice) himself/herself/itself came down from heaven/paradise/whatever and bestowed the Glock design upon Gaston himself the way Moses received the ten … Read more

Gun Review: Compact Gun Shootout: Ruger SR9c vs. Smith & Wesson M&P Compact vs. Glock 26 vs. Springfield XD Compact

Wayne at the American Firearms School likes all four of these guns. So do I. But I like guns in general, compacts in specific and the Ruger SR9c, Smith & Wesson M&P Compact, Glock 26 and Springfield XD Compact in particular. You can watch Wayne fire these bad boys after the jump. At this point, I’ll cut to the chase. Wayne likes the Glock the best, the Smith next, Ruger after that and the Springfield last. For him, it’s all about the triggers. The ex-military man has a thing about triggers. As for me . . .

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Glock Dodges Massive Liability Bullet

In 1999, white supremacist and B2 bomber engineer Buford Furrow entered a Jewish Community center in Grenada Hills (CA) and shot and killed Post Office employee Joseph Ileto with a Glock 26 [above]. Furrow also wounded two adults and three children. The Examiner takes up the story. “In 2001, the shooting victims and Ileto’s wife filed a lawsuit against the manufacturers, marketers, importers, distributors, and sellers of the firearms related to Furrow’s shooting spree. They alleged that those defendants intentionally produced, marketed, distributed, and sold more firearms than the legitimate market demanded, in order to take advantage of re-sales to distributors that they know or should know will, in turn, sell to illegal buyers. They also alleged that Defendants’ ‘deliberate and reckless’ marketing and distribution strategies created an undue risk that their firearms would be obtained by illegal purchasers for criminal purposes.” Uh-huh. Uh . . . no. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the final appeal. Which pleased the National Rifle Association no end . . .

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