What I’m Carrying Now: A Walther PK380 and a Fountain Pen

[This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at thetruthaboutguns@gmail.com with WICN in the subject field.] Robert C. writes . . . Walther PK380, I have no problems … Read more

Grip Tape: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Chet from Montana’s pocket dump includes a Glock 42 in a CYA Supply Co. holster, a Benchmade folder, and a Streamlight Protac. The Glock 42 has narrow strips of grip tape wrapped around it, which brings up this question: Do you cover your grips with something and if so do you cover the entire grip … Read more

Double-Stack vs. Single-Stack: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Dennis from Nevada calls this the “EDC blues” and it’s easy to see why. He must like blue because it’s on several of his Glock 43 mods and his notebook, too. (Hey, I like blue, too.) Years ago my first EDC was a Glock and I vividly recall when the 43 was new…and my surprise … Read more

College Campus Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

College student Jacob says he carried these items “today” which makes me wonder…does he mean he carried on campus? And if so, is it one of those “gun-free zone” places (yeah it probably is)? Considering how gun-free zones are soft targets, it’s a Good Thing that he has his GLOCK 42 loaded with Underwood ammo.

Easy Peasy GLOCK 42 EDC – Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

If you’ll step into the Wayback Machine, Mr. Peabody will set the date for late January of 2014. Once there, the first thing you’ll notice is screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth as gun owners from Portland to Port St. Lucie get the word that the new GLOCK single stack 9mm they’d been clamoring for … Read more

A 21-Year-Old’s First Carry Pistol – Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Do you remember your first concealed carry pistol? Iowan Jacob Roy just got his. Now that he’s 21 and secured his government permission slip, he ran right out and bought the himself a light, slim, summer-carry-friendly GLOCK 42 that he carries in a T. Rex Arms Raptor appendix carry rig. Welcome to the club, Jacob.