GLOCK 17 vs GLOCK 19: Picking A Plastic Pistol

If you want a GLOCK 9mm, but don’t want one that’s too small (like the G26 or G43) nor too big (like the G34) then the GLOCK 17 vs GLOCK 19 are your choices. And yes, lots of people — both new shooters and experienced gun owners — wonder which pistol they should buy, which leads … Read more

Gun Review: GLOCK 43 9mm Pistol

The firearm for this Glock 43 review was provided by the Kentucky Gun Company. The GLOCK 42 handgun was something between a huge disappointment and cruel joke on expectant gun guys and gals. A .380 single-stack? Been there, done that, bought the Colt Mustang clone (and sold it for a larger-caliber everyday concealed carry gun). … Read more