Armed Pilot Stops Teen Attempting A Planejacking

Wouldn’t the world be a crazy place if a 15-year-old boy walked into an airport with an AR-style rifle, demanded an aircraft, then proceeded to the airfield to planejack one himself? Well, get out your straight jackets because that’s exactly the world we live in. Thankfully, the old adage about a good guy with a … Read more

Why Good Guys With Guns Don’t Aways Come to the Rescue

Want to see some nasty political fighting? Just head to Google or the search box on any social media platform and type in “good guy with gun.” You’ll find all sorts of reasons that guns can and allegedly should be banned, because the victim disarmament industrial complex have made it their job to convince people … Read more

Risky Business: Florida Man Intervenes to Save Pregnant Woman Being Attacked Outside Publix Store

Using force to protect third-parties poses all manner of dangers to a good guy with a gun.  Sometimes though, it’s clear to even most low-information types that force is justified against an attacker of a third party. That’s exactly what happened outside a Largo, Florida Publix supermarket. A man stomped his pregnant girlfriend’s head and … Read more

Fetid Cesspool: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Injured in Violent San Francisco Home Invasion

Thanks to wokeness on steroids, San Francisco has become a crime-infested hellhole where literally no one is truly safe. Not even in the home of the sitting Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Earlier today, Speaker Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, suffered injuries when one or more intruders beat him mercilessly in his own home. … Read more

BREAKING: Three Dead as Armed Resource Officers Stop a Killer In a St. Louis High School

St. Louis is not Uvalde, Texas. That’s the lesson learned this morning by a 20-year-old lunatic who forced entry to the city’s Central Visual and Performing Arts High School while armed with a long gun. Once inside, he shot a number of people, killing two. Initial reports suggest there were seven school resource officers in … Read more

LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR: Good Samaritan Shoots Knife-Wielding Lunatic Who Threatened EMTs

Like a good neighbor, a gun owner is there. That’s exactly what happened in Gainesville, Georgia as a knife-wielding mental case who was “off his meds” prowled the parking lot of an apartment complex. As EMTs treated an injured victim, the lunatic, Darrion Suave Fraley, approached and apparently decided he wanted to perform some thoracic … Read more

FBI Massively Understates Shooting Statistics: Analysis Show Armed Americans Stop About Half of Active Killer Attacks

The Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to tarnish its own reputation by vastly downplaying — by a factor of more than 10 — the number of incidents in which armed Americans stop spree killers. According to the FBI, the same people who can find no evidence of crime on Hunter Biden’s laptop, only 4.4% of … Read more

Armed Citizen Opens Fire, Stopping a Detroit Spree Shooter Who Shot Four People Randomly

Don’t look now, but yet another armed citizen has stopped a spree killer. This defensive gun use took place in Detroit after three people had been killed and another wounded. Dontae Ramon Smith, 19 years old, began shooting people apparently at random. After shooting and wounding a fourth, an 76-year-old man along with his dog … Read more

Another Armed Citizen Stops a Crazed Mass Shooter, This Time in Montenegro

By Pedrag Milic, AP Montenegro declared three days of national mourning Saturday, a day after 10 people, including two children, were killed in a daylight attack by a 34-year-old gunman who police said had recently exhibited a “change in behavior.” The attacker used a hunting rifle to first shoot to death two children, 8 and … Read more