After Shunning Good Guy Gun Owners, Retailers Now Hiring Them For Armed Security

Imagine retailers, some of whom post “no guns” signage against good guys carrying guns, are now reconsidering their security needs thanks to rampant crime, shoplifting and holdups. Who would have thought that decriminalizing retail theft and other minor crimes would lead to…more crime? As a result of watching swarms of shoplifters pick their stores clean, … Read more

Thomas: Make ‘Good Guys With Assault Rifles’ Pay for Those Who Are Killed With Their Guns

If personal responsibility is now the answer to the issue of unwanted pregnancies, we need to make it the answer to gun shootings as well. Sure, like with having sex, U.S. citizens have the right to bear arms. But if a woman gets pregnant when her or her partner’s contraceptive fails, in the eyes of … Read more

Vox: Police Support Armed Citizens As Long As They’re Not Black or Brown

A recent paper by University of Arizona sociologist Jennifer Carlson offers some insight into the police’s behavior. She conducted dozens of hours of interviews about guns with 79 police chiefs in three states — Michigan, California, and Arizona — to try to better understand the way police see armed civilians. Carlson found that police leaders tended … Read more

Pogue: In a Racist, Authoritarian Nation, Leftists Need Their Second Amendment Rights

Socialist Rifle Association member James Pogue’s long piece at Harper’s is worth a read. He mixes a hard leftist’s paranoid view of a racist, authoritarian, overclass-dominated America with some very lucid views on the the role of guns in society and the meaning and importance of the Second Amendment. Owning a gun for any reason … Read more