Murphy Closed New Jersey’s Gun Stores Because of Hoplophobia, Not Public Health

By Theresa Inacker New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently used his personal dislike for the Second Amendment as justification for closing New Jersey gun shops during a national emergency. Governor Murphy unilaterally decided that gun shops and NICS background checks are not essential, but liquor stores and garden centers are. When asked at a COVID-19 … Read more

Second Amendment Foundation Sues NJ Gov. Phil Murphy For Depravation of Gun Rights

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . In a move directly linked to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit against New Jersey Gov. Philip D. Murphy and State Police Supt. Patrick J. Callahan, asserting violation of civil rights under color of law by shutting down firearms dealerships … Read more

NSSF: New Jersey’s Move to Pressure Gun Businesses is an Overreach of His Authority

Earlier this week, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed an executive order directing state agencies to cut off business with firearms-related businesses that don’t bend to his particular (vague) standards of good business practices. He’s also threatening to pull the state’s business from banks that won’t disclose their relationships with gun makers and other firearms-related … Read more

New NJ Law Requires All Gun Stores in the State to Sell Smart Guns

This is what passes for progress in the gun-controlled paradise that is New Jersey. The state has finally repealed a law that required all guns sold in the Garden State to be so-called smart guns once smart guns are available for sale anywhere in the United States. That law acted as a poison pill for … Read more

New Jersey Throwing Tax Dollars at ‘Gun Violence’ Research

If you tell enough lies often enough about guns and your goals or civilian disarmament, some people begin to believe them. Apparently. Gov. Phil Murphy insisted the state is not against guns. But he said the only choice for New Jersey and other states is to work on preventing gun violence on their own since Congress … Read more

2A Fee Hike in New Jersey: Gov. Murphy Wants to Price Guns Out of Reach of the Poor

Under current law, applicants must pay $52.66 to be fingerprinted when applying for a New Jersey Firearm Purchaser ID card or a pistol permit. The permit application itself costs $5. (The handgun permit fee is $2.) Governor Phil Murphy wants to increase the application fee to sixty times the current amount (and have permits expire in … Read more

New Jersey Governor Ends Bear Hunts on Public Lands by Executive Order

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is Andrew Cuomo lite. He’s every bit as hostile to civilian firearm ownership and Second Amendment rights, he just lacks the ability of his neighbor to the north to project that anti-gun animus beyond his state’s borders. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t dead set on making Garden State gun owners’ … Read more