Security Camera Captures Gun Store Owner Opening Fire On Thieves Who Came in Shooting [VIDEO]

Firearm trainers typically tell their students never try to draw down on a bad guy when his or her gun is pointed at you. However, all of that goes out the window when the criminal has already opened fire. That’s exactly what happened in a Paraguay gun store last month as a pair of armed … Read more

VIDEO: Dramatic California Police Shootout Leaves Officer Critically Wounded

In August, police in Modesto, California conducted a search of a home follow a high-speed pursuit. During that search, an occupant ambushed officers, leaving one critically wounded. Bodycam footage from the incident has been released, showing a very dramatic gun battle between police and felon named Jesse James. Incredibly, despite dozens of rounds fired, the … Read more

Sunday Morning Funnies: The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly

The very first TTAG Sunday Morning Funnies showcased the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain performing the theme from the classic Spaghetti Western, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. I therefore thought it only fitting this week to showcase a clip from the movie itself. Enjoy.