Another Year, Another Worthless Columbus, Ohio, Gun “Buyback”

A recent gun “buyback” in Ohio proves once again that politicians will do anything to make their constituents “feel” safer, whether they really are safer or not. Over the weekend, Columbus leaders held a so-called “buyback,” which Mayor Andrew Ginther called an “overall safety strategy.” Gift cards of up to $750 were given in exchange … Read more

Canada’s Gun Buyback Program Already an Epic Fail

The wheels are coming off of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s gun confiscation program (“buyback”). As proposed, the confiscation of firearms and devices that were banned as “prohibited” by Trudeau’s Liberal government over four years ago was to have been underway by now. Public Safety Canada’s website on the program titled the “Firearms Buyback Program … Read more

Anti-Gunners Are Playing Lucy Ball, and It Could Destroy The Peace

In the last few weeks, we’ve covered a lot of news where it was clear that government officials had no intention of even trying to do the right thing. Let’s review a few of those real quick. Disingenuous Actions Taken Against Guns For one, there’s the gun control group in New Mexico that committed multiple … Read more

OMG! NY Times Discovers That Not All Guns Sold in ‘Buybacks’ are Completely Destroyed! OMG!

If there’s any better way to start a new week than bathing in anti-gunners’ tears, we’re not exactly sure what that would be. So aside from watching the Cowboys utterly dismantle the Eagles last night and listening to the once-likeable Patrick Mahomes whine like a snotty little bitch girl about an official calling a clear … Read more

Anti-Gunners Paint Themselves Into a Corner Refusing 3D-Printed Guns at ‘Buyback’

A gun control group in New Mexico recently announced yet another gun “buyback” event. This time, though, there’s a twist: no 3D-printed guns are allowed. We’ve seen this before, but this time the group managed to paint themselves into a corner when they refused to respond to some very simple questions about the policy The biggest … Read more

Pay for Christmas: Peoria Church Paying $200+ For Unwanted Rifles, Shotguns and Pistols on Saturday, Nov. 19th

A Peoria pastor has organized a gun “buyback” event on Saturday, November 19th at four locations in the city starting at 10a.m. Do-gooder organizers will trade $200 gift cards for any “functional” handguns, rifles or shotguns. They’ll pay twice that and more for other guns they perceive as extra-icky or particularly scary looking. Come early, … Read more

Data Shows Gun ‘Buybacks’ Waste Tax Dollars, are Ineffective at Reducing Crime, Suicides…So Why Do So Many Cities Still Run Them?

By Salam Fatohi Recently, Pew Charitable Trusts explored gun buyback programs and their ability to reduce crime. A “gun buyback program,” or GBP, is a local government program that purchases unwanted firearms. The premise that the government is purchasing “back” privately-owned firearms is nonsense because the government never owned them in the first place. Firearm manufacturers and … Read more

Some Californians are Trading Their Guns for Less Than a Half-Tank of Gasoline

There’s an old expression about stupid. Specifically…you can’t fix it. Such is the case on the Left Coast of America where some Californians are trading tools with which they could defend their homes and families for a half-tank of gas as part of a gun buyback scheme under way in Sacramento. That’s right: Californians can … Read more

Community Activist: Gun Buybacks May Not Work, But They Show That We Care

A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found gun buybacks are “ineffective at deterring gun crime.” Researchers offered several reasons that gun buybacks could fail to reduce gun violence, including: The gift cards aren’t priced high enough to incentivize donations Most participants come from low-crime areas The firearms exchanged “tend to be older and less … Read more