Economic Study Concludes There’s ‘No Evidence’ That Gun Buybacks Reduce ‘Gun Violence’

By John Miltimore Shortly before Christmas in 2018, a woman named Darlene voluntarily turned in a 9mm pistol to the Baltimore Police Department. It was just one of about 500 firearms the department collected that day as part of the city’s gun buyback program, which paid citizens somewhere between $25 and $500 in exchange for … Read more

NBER Finds Gun Buyback Programs Are Useless in Preventing Crime, Suicides

Gun buyback programs (GBPs), which use public funds to purchase civilians’ privately-owned firearms, aim to reduce gun violence. However, little is known about their effects on firearm-related crime or deaths. Using data from the National Incident Based Reporting System, we find no evidence that GBPs reduce gun crime. Given our estimated null findings, with 95 … Read more