Canada Bans 324 More Types Of Firearms, Plans To Give The Guns To Ukraine

The fascist Canadian government, under the “leadership” of fürer, Justin Trudeau, said Thursday, December 5 that it is outlawing another 324 varieties of firearms. Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc says these guns belong on the battlefield, not in the hands of hunters or sport shooters. This follows the May 2020 ban on 1,500 firearm makes … Read more

New York bill would let police ‘briefly seize’ firearms during domestics

Police in New York want the legal ability to seize firearms during a domestic violence call – even if no arrests were made. However, instead of going through normal legal channels and obtaining a search warrant or court order, police just want the legal ability to take the guns on their own.  New York State … Read more

My Bad: City Officials Now Claim Emergency Order Banning Guns was a Mistake

Before Hurricane Helene made landfall, several municipalities in Florida declared local states of emergency to ensure they would be available for state and federal funds needed for expected storm-related cleanup and repair. As earlier reported on TTAG and other gun websites and news outlets, the city of Okeechobee went so far in theirs as to … Read more

Mainstream Media Lies to Cover for Kamala

The legacy media has mostly given up the pretense of carrying out its once-professed mission – holding power to account. At this point, no reasonable person expects the regime press to cover legitimate news that might reflect poorly on their political allies. Still, conspicuous ignorance is one thing, distortion is another. At an August 3 campaign rally … Read more

Rumors: IL Governor Exploring Executive Order to Demand Gun Owners Surrender Their Registered ‘Naughty’ Guns

Illinois gun control jihadists passed the so-called “Protect Illinois Communities Act” in the dead of night last January. The bill banned all manner of popular self-defense, magazine-fed, semi-automatic firearms, but it provided that existing owners could keep them if they registered them. That registration window closed December 31st with barely a 1% compliance rate. Now, … Read more

Law Profs: Use Qualified Immunity as a Post-Bruen Shield to Unconstitutionally Confiscate Firearms

The Supreme Court’s ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen threw the political project of gun regulation into question. Before Bruen, states could enact new kinds of gun restrictions if they passed a relatively stringent means-ends test. That is, if laws meaningfully reduced danger, while not too heavily burdening the right to self-defense, they were allowed. After … Read more

Gun Registries Lead To Confiscation, This Time In Estonia

On a long enough timeline, gun registration always leads to gun confiscation.  And once again, we see that playing out in Estonia, a small first-world country that shares a border with Russia.  Given what’s happening in nearby Ukraine to the south, the Estonian government announced that all Russians and Belorusians (those from Belarus) living within … Read more

The Lesson of New Zealand: After Multiple Gun Confiscations, Firearm Violence Soars to New Record Rates

Gun control laws disarm victims, not criminals. That’s common sense to everyone but the politicians who promise peace, rainbows and dancing unicorns if only you’ll give up your firearms. New Zealand’s gun control advocates — including Prim Minister Jacinda Ardern– remain slow on the uptake of that fundamental principle of life. In multiple gun confiscation … Read more

Illinois State Police Making House Calls, Seizing Guns To Bring Revoked FOID Holders Into ‘Compliance’

  Though most people don’t know it, the Illinois State Police (ISP) now make house calls.  However, they aren’t coming to welcome new neighbors or bring good cheer. Instead, they’re coming to confiscate the firearms from those with revoked Firearms Owners ID cards.  While few would argue the merits of grabbing guns out of the … Read more