HR 5717: Killing Off America’s Gun Culture In One Generation

Hank “Tippy” Johnson [D-GA, sadly], noted loon and midget/giant cage match fan, has filed HR 5717 the Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 in the US House. It has everything a violence-enabling victim disarmament advocate could possibly want: national gun owner licensing, an “assault weapon” ban, a suppressor ban, ex parte “red … Read more

House Democrats Promise Bipartisan ‘Gun Violence Prevention’ Legislation Will Pass

“We are breaking the vicelike grip of the NRA and the gun lobby on this institution. You put gun violence on the ballot this November and we won.” – Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal in Gun control a top priority in Pelosi’s new Congress

Poll: 79% of Registered Voters Support Banning Bump Fire Stocks

According to a new poll released by a whopping 79 percent of registered voters support banning bump fire stocks. The majority — 69 percent — strongly support the measure. In the wake of any highly publicized shooting, public sentiment invariably swings in favor of additional regulation. The clearest example: the furor following the Sandy Hook … Read more