New York City’s Eric Adams Teams Up With Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot In A Race To The Bottom

It’s generally considered well worthwhile to seek the advice of others with more experience when taking on a new job. By seeking the counsel of an accomplished, recognized authority in a particular field, you can avoid costly mistakes and benefit from the lessons others have already learned. That’s why it’s so baffling that New York … Read more

Feds Charge ‘Violence in Boston’ Gun Control Group’s Founders With Fraud

Do gun control groups misdirect donor monies for the personal enrichment of their leaders?  Impossible you say?  The feds say otherwise in at least one group’s case.  The US Attorney’s for Massachusetts has brought federal fraud charges against the founders of the Violence in Boston gun control group which could put the couple in prison … Read more

How to Empower Your Fellow Americans, Not Enslave Them

Make no mistake that everything government is engaged in today, from legislation to regulation, is almost always about control, not freedom, liberty, or innovation. It’s about controlling people, not empowering them. “When I feel the heat, I see the light,” said life-long Illinois politician Everett Dirksen. Given how quickly the “follow the science” crowd has … Read more

A Tale of Two Cities, Both in Chicago – Arrests Made in Latest Anti-Gun Protest

The Illinois State Police ended a small anti-gun protest Monday in Chicago by making a few arrests. At long last, law enforcement applied the rule of law. However, it took state troopers to do what the notoriously corrupt City of Chicago refused to do just a few weeks ago. The Rev. Gregory Livingston led this … Read more