Chinni: We Haven’t Had Enough Mass Shootings to Really Change Opinions on Gun Control Yet

Consider the NBC News poll taken just before the 2022 midterm election asking voters about “the most important issue facing the country.” The gun issue is at the very bottom of the list, with only 3% of voters calling guns the most important issue. Above guns? A long list of topics also continually in the … Read more

Opinion Polls Be Damned: Second Amendment Rights Are Not Subject to Popularity Contests

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms blasted recent public opinion polls showing support for bans on so-called “semiautomatic weapons,” noting that constitutionally-protected rights are not subject to what amount to popularity contests. “Fundamental rights, including the right to keep and bear arms, must never … Read more

Gallup Finds Support for More Gun Control Laws Has Fallen Across the Board

Americans’ support for stricter U.S. gun laws has receded after sharply increasing in the wake of two mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, in the spring. Specifically, 57% of U.S. adults now think laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict, down from 66% in June. Still, current support is … Read more

OMG! Midterm Voters Don’t Give a Damn About Gun Control! OMG!

The anti-gun pearl-clutchers are in a tizzy. Voter polling is showing that radical gun control isn’t a leading concern as America is closing in on election day Nov. 8. Voters are keyed on runaway inflation, the increasing cost of living and rising crime as the most pressing issues that will inform their votes. Voters are more … Read more

GUN CONTROL BLUES: Even Democrats Don’t Think Gun Control Laws Stop Big City Crime Any More

The People of the Gun have long known that gun control only disarms victims, not criminals. Now, even Democrats are wising up to that fact. By a more than two-to-one margin, Democrats surveyed in a Trafalgar Group poll say gun control either makes no difference or actually makes matters worse when it comes to big … Read more

Narrative Alert: Americans Under 30 Turn Sharply Against Stricter Gun Control Laws

Uh oh, there could be a glitch in the matrix. Based on the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, it appears that all the agitprop that’s been dished out by the gun control industry, the administration and their media stenographers has been…wrong. Yes, yes, that’s difficult to believe, but it seems that 90+% of all Americans … Read more