The Idiot’s Guide to Becoming a ‘Gun Guy’

By Everyday Gunner I’m fairly young. I’m relatively stupid. And I really have no idea what it takes to break into the stereotypical OFWG (old fat white guy) gun crowd. However, I’ve been working to find my way as a gunner for a while now, and I figure someone might benefit from my experience, especially … Read more

Hanson: Silence is Complicity, So Speak Up and Change the Gun Culture

Life is fragile, and it’s all that we have. More guns equals more gun deaths. No other country has anywhere near as many gun deaths as we do here in the U.S. The Second Amendment talks about “a well-regulated militia.” It was written in 1791, when arms were far less deadly than they are today. … Read more

Atlas: Today’s American Gun Culture is a Result of Mythologizing and Marketing the Old West

By Pierre M. Atlas, Indiana University In the wake of the Buffalo and Uvalde mass shootings, 70% of Republicans said it is more important to protect gun rights than to control gun violence, while 92% of Democrats and 54% of independents expressed the opposite view. Just weeks after those mass shootings, Republicans and gun rights … Read more

Cohen: It’s Not the Culture, Stupid, It’s the Guns

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) gave us a hint when he said, “We had a public school in my district that was forced by the left and the courts to take down ‘thou shalt not kill’ from in front of the schools.” By his implication, without explicit reminders of Judeo-Christian rules of moral conduct, children fail to … Read more

SAF Campaign Reminds Gun Owners That Gun Rights Depend On You

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation has launched a nationwide outreach effort to remind America’s gun owners that “Gun Rights Depend On You,” while urging them to “Demand the Courts Protect the 2A.” The message is already appearing online at the Washington Times, Breitbart, TownHall, Newsmax, BearingArms and Drudge, … Read more

SHANNON WATTS: The Gun Culture Hates Us Not Because We Want to Disarm Americans, But Because We’re Women

  Cunt. Whore. Bitch. These are just some of the words my fellow Moms Demand Action volunteers and I have been called over the past nine years. We’ve become experts on the nexus between misogyny and gun culture because we’ve lived it—in person and online—since the day we decided to stand up to the gun … Read more

Busse: Today’s Gun Culture is a Mechanism for Instilling Fear

Nobody wants to hear the Hitler analogies, but the Brown Shirt paramilitary operation was not entirely dissimilar to this growing band of GOP weirdos. Like other authoritarian revolutionary movements, the Nazi party recruited disaffected citizens, armed them, and then fed a constant diet of hateful conspiracy. Old grievances, arrest records, and other failures were erased by the … Read more

Don’t Look Now, But After Two Years of Upheaval, the Culture is Changing…In Favor of Individual Gun Rights

By Robert B. Young, MD Over time, we’ve seen changes in focus by the hoplophobic elements of society. Originally, it was all about banning handguns or at least “Handgun Control Inc.” The “assault weapon,” that is, the AR ban of 1994-2004 followed, with no discernible effect on crime, homicide, etc. Movement mutation continued, with groups … Read more

Wolf: I Finally Freed Myself From the Dangerous Lure of the NRA and America’s Gun Culture

I don’t think I’ll ever give up on guns completely. There are few settings in which I really feel at peace these days, but drifting down the river in our canoe, on a warm fall day, hunting ducks with my dad, is among them (with shotguns plugged to hold only three rounds, if you were … Read more