The Latest Cause for Deep Media Concern: Responsible Firearms Training

For decades, the gun control industry has preached that all gun owners must be trained, preferably as a prerequisite to owning a firearm. If they had their way, we’d have a law mandating long, no doubt expensive courses before anyone is allowed to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Maybe we will, one day soon. Here … Read more

When the Gun Culture Embraces the Cancel Culture

By Bob Kingsley Last April, the gun club I had been a member of for 20 years closed abruptly after having a panic attack related to the Covid-19 virus. The club had a 24/7 access system and members could use the facility whenever it was convenient. While it would have been understandable to cancel group … Read more

If You Want to Understand America’s Gun Culture, Start by Listening

By Mark Houser In a recent opinion piece titled Guns and the Rural Vote, Ryan Davis offers his thoughts on what people fail to understand about American gun culture. Unfortunately, Davis himself overlooks the essential and distinguishing features of Americans’ attitudes towards firearms and the right to bear arms. In doing so, Davis misunderstands why American … Read more

Davis: For Many, Guns are Like a Religion and Should Be Respected The Same Way

Though he was criticized for saying it, President Barack Obama was exactly right when he compared guns to religion. Guns are—for some—what religion aspires to be: a real source of meaning in life. Politicians should talk about guns the way they talk about religion, with appreciation for their distinctive value. Imagine a politician saying, “Look, we don’t … Read more

New York Times: Gang Culture is Gun Culture

The New York Times published a recent article titled, “Bravado, Self-Defense, Fear: Why These Young Men Carry Guns.” In it they talk about the 2020 gang violence spike in the city and somehow tie it all in to being the fault of what they believe is a world representative of the “gun culture.” The article … Read more

2020 Gun Sales Surge Making America’s Already Diverse Gun Owner Population Even More So

By Larry Keane Throw out the stereotypes on American gun ownership. They’re just wrong. Against the backdrop of historically high firearm sales, one major theme is shattering misconceptions that America’s gun owners are “old white men.” A surge in gun buyers across the country in 2020, more than 2.5 million since March alone, has boosted the diversity of the … Read more

A Sociological Examination of America’s Gun Culture Finds That It’s…Diverse

As the abstract for this bit of sociological analysis puts it, “This paper advances the literature on gun culture by demonstrating that: (1) gun culture is not monolithic; (2) there are multiple elements of gun culture that vary substantially between states; (3) over time, the recreational gun subculture has been falling in prominence whereas the … Read more

Modern Day 2A: Fighting the Gun Culture War in the Trenches

By Ryan McMillan I’ve come to believe that a person who considers homosexual behavior a sin can still support gay rights. Likewise, he can abstain from drugs, while contending for another’s right to use them, and never himself own a firearm, but advocate for those who do. These can exist without contradiction, although at first … Read more

About That Less Than Illuminating RAND Corporation’s Gun Law Research Report . . .

By Elizabeth McGuigan In 2018, the RAND Corporation released a review of available research on various gun-related laws and their impacts on a range of eight outcomes. RAND has recently released an update of the report, adding five new categories of gun policies, and examining an expanded research period of 1995-2018. Weighing in at over 400 pages … Read more