Gun Curious: A Liberal Professor’s Surprising Journey Inside America’s Gun Culture

In 2011, David Yamane, a liberal sociology professor from the San Francisco Bay Area, stood at a firing range with a gun in his hand for the first time. That single moment sparked a journey that would take him deep into the heart of America’s gun culture, a world he had never imagined entering. Now, … Read more

College Students Learn About American Society Through a Trip to a Gun Range

Professor David Yamane teaches a Sociology of Guns course at Wake Forest University. Part of the curriculum includes a trip to a shooting range for the class’s students. After the range trip, students are assigned to write an essay reflecting on the experience and Professor Yamane posts some of those at his blog. Here are … Read more

Is Gun Ownership Central to Your Identity?

What makes embracing “gun owner” as an identity difficult for me? For one, in certain quarters — notably on university campuses and among sociologists in particular — gun owner is a stigmatized identity. In addition, certain strains of the gun control movement have also sought to do to gun owners what was done to smokers … Read more