Why America is Still Great: More People Own Guns and Dogs Than Cats

When something makes you smile. According to the latest researdch, about 45% of American households have guns. With some fluctuation. that number has been fairly steady for decades. That, of course, dependent on people actually answering honestly when a stranger tries to find out if they own guns (so the actual number is likely more … Read more

The Greatness of Gun Dogs: A Georgia Quail Hunt at Dorchester Shooting Preserve

After introducing himself as our guide for the morning quail hunt, Jeff Crosby looked down at the light boots on my feet and stated, “If you have them, you should change into rubber boots.” It had been raining pretty much every other day at my home outside Athens, Georgia, and apparently the same weather had … Read more

Ryglen Gundogs UK-Imported English Cocker Spaniels – Dallas Safari Club [VIDEO]

Interviewing Jay Lowry, owner of Ryglen Gundogs at the Dallas Safari Club Convention was not pre-planned. It occurred because 1) I passed by the Ryglen booth multiple times each day and 2) their two English Cocker Spaniels sitting on top of water barrels were beautiful and friendly and I couldn’t keep from petting them.   I … Read more

CapArms Question of the Day: Does Your Dog Freak out at Gunfire?

I’ve never taken my Schnauzers shooting. (Their lack of opposable thumbs makes it problematic.) While Dan’s brace of Labs fetch tennis balls to the point of exhaustion (Dan’s), our Managing Editor’s canines aren’t trained gun dogs. Jon’s biggest problem with his Belgian Malinois Glimmer . . . she runs up and bites the target (wood, steel, whatever). Before I … Read more