SAF: It’s Time to End ‘Gun-Free’ Zone Shooting Galleries

From the Second Amendment Foundation: BELLEVUE, WA – Declaring that so-called “gun-free zones are shooting galleries for maniacs,” the Second Amendment Foundation today is calling for an end to such designations by launching an advertising campaign aimed at print and online publications. “Without a self-defense option,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. … Read more

Why We Carry Guns: Dust-up at Disneyland and Other Random Acts of Violence

Trouble can happen anywhere at any time. That’s why millions of Americans have carry licenses and tote a firearm every day.  Ironically, non-permissive environments quite often serve as the locations in which people most need to carry. Take, for instance, Disneyland in Anaheim, California. A recent incident at Mickey’s West Coast theme park shows that … Read more

John Lott: The Media Ignore Mass Shootings That Were Stopped by Armed Citizens

“Most gunmen are smart enough to know that they can kill more people if they attack places where victims can’t defend themselves. That’s one reason why 98 percent of mass public shootings since 1950 have occurred in places where citizens are banned from having guns. “The national media tend to ignore case after case of … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: B of A’s Last Time, Armed in the Burbs and Operators Get a New Caliber

Bank of America promises Remington will be last semi-automatic gunmaker to get bailed out by bank We really mean it this time . . . Amidwidespreadcriticism for seemingly violating its pledge to stop financing companies that manufacturer military-style firearms for non-military and non-law enforcement use, Bank of America released a statement on Thursday saying that its commitment … Read more

Bill Would Reduce the Number of Gun-Free Zones in Missouri

St. Joseph’s says Missouri pushes to put firearms in gun-free zones. That’s one way to look at it. We’d word that headline a little differently. How about, “Missouri Bill Would Expand Carry Rights, Reduce the Number of Gun-Free Zones.” A bill filtering through the Missouri House of Representatives could put guns in more establishments around … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: A Rare MSNBC Talking Head, The Confused National Interest and New York Teacher Carry

I’ve Supported the Second Amendment My Whole Life. It’s Time for Reasonable Gun Control – Oh look, TIME finds an MSNBC analyst who’s for gun control. There’s a real black swan event . . . I grew up around rifles, shotguns and handguns. My family lived on the outskirts of a small Mississippi town near … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Doing Something in Congress, Gun-Free Zones Work in Las Vegas and Silencers for Cops

Stop me before I Fudd again! . . . One gun owner’s plea for Congress to do something I own multiple shotguns, handguns and rifles, including an AR-15. Unfortunately, when the gun-control debate is reignited by another mass shooting, my voice is often unheard. Maybe my message is drowned out by the NRA’s continued silence. Perhaps … Read more

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: The Gunpocalypse Rolls On, Modern Family’s Black Sheep and Extreme Hold Off

Making California’s gun-free schools even gun-free-er . . . Law that would expand firearms ban on California campuses goes to Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk A measure that would expand a firearms ban on school campuses in California won final legislative approval Monday and was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown, a rifle owner who has been … Read more

Contest Entry: I Refuse to Live In a Life-Free Zone

By Rokurota Less than a month ago, a malicious human being walked into a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and murdered nine people. The confessed killer said he committed the heinous act of gunning down black churchgoers to start a race war against African Americans. President Obama once again called for gun control. Thoughtless folks … Read more