A Front Row Seat to History—D.C. vs. Heller

On March 18, 2008, the Second Amendment hung in the judicial balance. That morning, the U.S. Supreme Court would hear oral arguments in District of Columbia v. Heller. The question was stark: is the Second Amendment “right to keep and bear Arms” an ordinary individual right? Or would the Court hold that the Second Amendment … Read more

Historians Are in Demand Thanks to Bruen

While the pursuit of knowledge in any discipline is a worthy endeavor unto itself, there are certain majors plenty of parents bemoan when their kids declare them either because of limited income potential or even more limited opportunities to actually find gainful employment (especially when the cost of college is factored in). Journalism, which was … Read more

Wehrmacht Heavy Metal: The German MP40 Submachine Gun

We humans have always venerated our weapons. This is but one of mankind’s curiously dark attributes. Some three millennia ago, the Israelite King David used the sword of the Philistine Goliath to take the terrible giant’s head. He then revered the blade in the tabernacle at Nob for years afterward. A bit closer to home, … Read more