Trump Seeks End to Banking Discrimination Against Conservatives, Firearms Industry

President Donald Trump was just four days into his second term when he used the world stage to call out American banks for their track record of discriminating against lawful American businesses. That criticism tracks with what numerous businesses in the firearm and ammunition industry have experienced not just over the past four years of … Read more

Gun Made Launches The Largest Online Search Engine For Guns and Ammunition

Gun Made just launched the largest online search engine for firearms and ammunition, connecting consumers to more than 4,000 gun stores across the United States. The coolest thing about this search engine is it provides gun buyers with real-time inventory so they can not only check the price, but see if a nearby brick-and-mortar store … Read more

Shameless Partisan Hack: Sen. Warnock Miscasts Blame for School Shootings

One learns to grow a thick skin when dealing in the world of politics. That’s especially true representing the firearm industry on Capitol Hill and in statehouses across the country. The firearm and ammunition industry is faced with the most hostile presidential administration ever. Vice President Harris oversees The White House Office of Gun Violence … Read more

Economic Impact of Gun Industry Continues Exponential Growth Over Past 16 Years

The total economic impact of the firearm and ammunition industry in the United States increased from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $90.05 billion in 2023, a 371 percent increase, while the total number of full-time equivalent jobs rose from approximately 166,000 to over 384,437, a 131 percent increase in that period, according to a report released by the NSSF. … Read more

Pause on Firearms Exports is an Unjustified Attack on the Gun Industry

A new publication by the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) shows that the stated reason for the 90-day firearm export “pause” – which is well past 160 days – is a nothingburger. It’s a sandwich with no meat but layers of government cheese. And lots of it. Commerce Department’s BIS published a … Read more

Dickinson: The Gun Industry Markets AR Rifles for One Reason…’Deadly Domination’

The modern firearms industry’s mission couldn’t be clearer: profiting off the sales of weapons that can turn lone shooters into mass killers, or armed discontents into a homeland security threat. Documents produced by the industry’s top trade group even advise leaning into the panic buying that can follow mass shootings, by targeting a market segment it … Read more

To All the Hunting Haters and Anti-Gunners Who Write To Me – Drop Dead

“I hope your dogs eat your face.” “You deserve to be raped. I want to be the one to do it.” “I’m going to hunt your family like you hunted that deer.” These gems and others like them have become nauseatingly familiar to me. Most people managed to hunt and shoot without ever being on … Read more

Inside ‘The Vault’ of the National Museum of the Marine Corps

By Mark Oliva Memorial Day holds special meaning to the firearms industry. Like nearly all Americans, we pause to remember and honor those whose lives were sacrificed defending our freedoms. For firearms manufacturers, the small arms the fallen carried into battle remind us of the unique connection of those in uniform and our industry. There’s … Read more

McKevitt: The Real Threat to America Isn’t ‘Ghost Guns,’ It’s America’s ‘Gun Capitalism’

Subsequent gun panics followed a similar pattern: authorities and the media would use moralistic language to denounce a small segment of gun commerce as responsible for changing patterns of violent crime, and push for reforms to criminalize an imagined unvirtuous gun user. The arrival of handguns from Austrian manufacturer Glock, which replaced some metal or … Read more