Harvard Law ♥ Guns?

Well, maybe not Harvard Law School, et all, but certainly one student there, at the very least. Hence, this scholarly paper, entitled Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? By Don B. Kates and Gary Mauser. For members of the TTAG Armed Intelligencia, that’s akin to asking “Is Water Still Wet,” i.e., “Not just ‘no,’ but … Read more

A Rank Idea, Courtesy of the Brady Campaign

The Brady Bunch unintentionally outs Hollywood hypocrites who use guns in their movies, but work to deny others access to self-defense weapons.

Americans are known for our love of many things – personal freedom, humor, guns, and lists. Lots and lots of lists. So when the folks at the Brady Bunch complied their list of how each state ranks one their (bleeding heart) scale of leglislation that is “anti-gun”-friendly (wrap your mind around that one), I had to see it for myself. Of course, there’s nothing new here – nor is there any methodology published on the page that will tell us how they came up with their rankings. So it could be entirely subjective. Or not. We’ll never know. I was surprised to find that perennial whipping-boys Texas and Florida weren’t at the very bottom of the pile. But then, you never can tell, when you can’t get a look at how they scored. Below is an alphabetic, state-by-state list of how they rank the states on gun legislation, for your amusement.

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