Henry Repeating Arms Announces It Is Moving Its Entire Business To Wisconsin

Henry Repeating Arms, a longtime New Jersey company that is one of America’s leading firearms manufacturers and the world leader in the lever-action category, has announced it is consolidating all of its operations in Wisconsin. According to a press release announcing the move, Henry is transferring all of its Bayonne, New Jersey, manufacturing operations to … Read more

Michigan’s Misguided Attempt to Bankrupt Gunmakers

Leave it to Michigan’s Democratic lawmakers to trot out the tired old trope of “consumer protection” as an excuse to wage war on the firearm industry. Their latest legislative push, now advancing through the state House Judiciary Committee, proposes removing liability protections for gun manufacturers. The aim? To bypass federal protections under the Protection of … Read more

McKevitt: The Real Threat to America Isn’t ‘Ghost Guns,’ It’s America’s ‘Gun Capitalism’

Subsequent gun panics followed a similar pattern: authorities and the media would use moralistic language to denounce a small segment of gun commerce as responsible for changing patterns of violent crime, and push for reforms to criminalize an imagined unvirtuous gun user. The arrival of handguns from Austrian manufacturer Glock, which replaced some metal or … Read more

Guns, Gun Makers and the Second Amendment are There to Protect You During Times of Crisis

By Larry Keane The Second Amendment is inalienable and there is a perfect storm right now demonstrating its vital importance. There is a constant barrage of attacks on the Second Amendment in “normal” times. These days are hardly normal, given the coronavirus pandemic, near economic standstill of stay-at-home orders and business closures and now rioting. … Read more

More Work to Do in 2020 After 2019 Firearm Industry Victories

By Larry Keane The firearms industry had reason to celebrate in 2019. NICS checks are now increasing, opportunity arose and the National Shooting Sports Foundation is marking legislative victories. Industry indicators show a healthy and robust firearms and ammunition manufacturing industry. This year’s NICS checks consistently beat the pace of 2018 each month since April. … Read more

America’s Diverse Smorgasbord of Gun Makers Don’t Determine Gun Law

“..(T)he gun-manufacturing industry is a diverse and international market. The Belgians took over making most AR-pattern weapons for the Army back in the 1980’s. Our police forces overwhelmingly carry Austrian Glocks. Most handgun magazines sold in the United States are Italian. Of the five best-selling civilian handguns of 2016, only two were American-made. The remaining three were Austrian, Swiss, … Read more