2024 Presidential Debate: Beware the Anti-Gunner in Gun Owner’s Clothing

While Democrats will celebrate that their candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris “looked presidential” in tonight’s debate and was successful at getting under her opponent’s skin, Republican’s will scowl and correctly note that Harris was long on platitudes and short on actual policy. She was even shorter on explanations for her numerous changes to her positions … Read more

Since 2020, the Number of New Gun Owners Equals the Entire Population of Florida

Gun control activists hate gun ownership. “More guns means more violence!,” they shout. They’ll swear up and down that guns cause crime, not deranged and violent people. They push an unending agenda to limit the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans to lawfully purchase and possess firearms. Gun control activists are in for some bad … Read more

SAF Report: Anti-Gun Group Poses as One of Us to Project Legitimacy to More Gun Laws

The California-based nonprofit 97Percent took its name from a debunked Quinnipiac poll that claimed 97% of Americans supported mandatory background checks. The group calls the remaining 3-percent “loud voices who have crowded out conversation and prevented collaboration between gun owners and non-gun owners.” 97Percent never addresses the problems associated with polling gun owners, including their … Read more

A Good Neighbor Arrested in California: 250 Guns, 20 Cans, Million Rounds of Ammo

California arrested a man last month for the high crime of owning about 250 firearms, a million rounds of ammunition and a few cans. In most states that would make the man a great neighbor. In Texas it would make him a very eligible bachelor to the ladies.  Unfortunately, the statists in California don’t have … Read more

Hammered in Georgia

Georgia gun owner Kimberly Wright was involved in a road rage incident in August 2021 where an aggressive driver followed her to a Walmart parking lot and attempted to attack her with a hammer. When Wright, who had a permit to carry and was also a member of U.S. LawShield, removed her firearm from her … Read more

To All the Hunting Haters and Anti-Gunners Who Write To Me – Drop Dead

“I hope your dogs eat your face.” “You deserve to be raped. I want to be the one to do it.” “I’m going to hunt your family like you hunted that deer.” These gems and others like them have become nauseatingly familiar to me. Most people managed to hunt and shoot without ever being on … Read more