Constitutional Carry Introduced in Georgia

Six Georgia legislators have introduced a bill, HB 156, titled the “Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2017.” The bill would do away with prohibitions of carrying arms in parks, historic sites, or recreational areas, and changes references that allow the carry of arms from “license holder” to “lawful weapons carrier.” The effect of the bill would be … Read more

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Grassroots Activism – Do You Participate?

Promoting freedom is a uniquely American quality. Millions of Americans promote freedom everyday. They do this through participation at some level in grassroots activism to protect and defend our Second Amendment rights. While Michael Bloomberg and his fellow anti-gun billionaire buddies have big bucks, we have plenty of people on the ground working on the … Read more

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Most Floridians Favor Armed Teachers and Staff in Schools

When I was at the Gun Rights Policy conference in Florida last month, one of the presentations covered the FASTER (Faculty/Administrator Safety Training & Emergency Response) program in Ohio. The FASTER program has been and continues to be a tremendous success story. Staff and teachers love it, embrace it, and recommend it to others. A … Read more

Question of the Day: Would You Send a Gun to Defend a British Home?


Four police officers who were flagged down by a store manager as his colleague detained a thief,” reports. “[They] allegedly said they were ‘not kitted up to help’ and drove away.” So much for fighting crime in the Piers Morgan “gun-free” paradise commonly known as the United Kingdom. A country whose subjects are barred from possessing adequate means of defense and punished when they attempt to defend themselves (e.g., farmer Tony Martin’s ongoing ordeal). Where those paid to respond to crime seem to have more urgent priorities . . .

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Christie’s Bullying Tirade Deflects from Having to Answer Tough Questions on Guns


“Chris Christie tore into a gun rights activist who questioned his Second Amendment record in an Iowa town hall event Saturday night, displaying the fiery and confrontational style the New Jersey governor is known for,” CNN approvingly proclaimed in its “report” on the exchange. Other media, including The Huffington Post and The Des Moines Register were quick to portray it as “Christie fires back” and “Christie counters” respectively.

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Who Shouldn’t Carry a Gun?

Even as you read the headline, it kinda grabbed you, and then made you stop and think, right? I mean, here at TTAG, most of us are unashamedly, unabashedly pro-gun. But despite what professional tr0lls/liberal gadflies/resident Progressives MikeB302000 and Magoo seem to think, we’re not “gun loons” ’round these parts, and we acknowledge that there are some people who really shouldn’t carry a gun. A effective way to determine if someone is pro-gun rights or pro-gun “control” is to look at their default position on the issue . . .

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How Well Do You Know Your Constitutional Rights?

It’s an interesting question. I mean, here on TTAG we talk a lot about the 2nd Amendment, and exercise our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights on a daily basis. Of course, the Tea Party phenomenon has made the Constitution a hot topic, and those on the left have made a career out of telling us either that the Constitution is outdated, it’s a “living document” (which is code for “we can interpret it in whatever way we see fit”) or that it needs changing/we should just ignore it. But everyone who wants to have a voice in this discussion should at least know something about what the Constitution says, dontcha think?

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A Gun Ban We Can ALL Support!

So I was working this morning when my iPhone came to live with the news that yet another government facility (this time NASA) is under lockdown due to shots being fired. And I’m convinced that when all the details are out, we’ll learn that it was some wingnut who’s got some ties to Al Qaeda or one of the other radical Islamic groups, trying to make a “statement.” Here’s a clue: the only statement this ass-clowns are making is that they are insane and wanna watch the world burn, just to prove a point. What point they are trying to prove is kind of murky, I think, even to them . . .

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Spin Cycle

When I was a kid, we’d sit around after dinner, watching our TV, spending what the social engineers now refer to as “quality time.” My dad is a music teacher. He had some pointedly different ideas about education than today’s touchy-feely, outcome-based educators. For example, when a commercial would come on, he’d start up a discussion about the advertisers’ claims and the logic behind them. My personal fave: “Dash makes your automatic (washer) work like it’s 10 feet tall!” “What good is a ten-foot tall washer,” my dad would ask. “How easy would it be to load? Would it wash clothes any better?  Sadly, there’s not an awful lot of independent thinkers anymore. Nowhere is the willingness of the sheeple to follow any Tom (Daschle), Dick (Durbin) or Harry (Reid) down the primrose path of illogic when it comes to guns.

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