Gun Retailers See No End in Sight to Sales Surge, No Matter Who Wins in November

“In the old days — I’ve been here almost 48 years — we used to sell one lady a month, maybe, a gun,” owner Edward Piestrak said. “Now, it’s almost one-third of our sales are women.” The increase is not simply a change in the percentages, but rather a reflection of an enormous surge in … Read more

The Number of Concealed Carriers in the US Has Grown Seven Fold in the Last Two Decades

By Larry Keane A new report shows the number of concealed carry permit applications is rising, even despite some states limiting Second Amendment rights during recent pandemic shutdowns. The number of permit holders for concealed firearms is nearly 20 million, according to a Washington Examiner report. Since 1999, the number of concealed handgun permit holders has … Read more

Becoming Gun Owners: Suburbanites Discovering The Government Won’t Be There to Protect Them

On Monday it became official: The police issued me a gun permit. Never did I imagine I’d be here. Not because I was anti-gun. My dad was a career FBI agent, so my siblings and I grew up with guns. At the same time, my father was never particularly interested in guns. To no avail, … Read more

Post-Kenosha, Gun Retailers’ Inventories Have Only Gotten Tighter

Let’s cut to the chase. Things got really ugly real fast in the suburban city of Kenosha, Wisconsin last week. I won’t get into the politics of what happened, but let’s talk about the business side of things after the fallout. The pandemic had already pushed millions of Americans to run out and clear the … Read more

McCaskill Claims Women are Sick of Guns…as They Buy Them by the Millions

By Larry Keane Former U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) was replaced by voters in 2018 and is now a political talk show pundit. During a discussion about the violence erupting in America’s communities, including Kenosha, Wisconsin, Portland, Oregon and her home-state St. Louis, Missouri, Sen. McCaskill opined women are “sick of all these guns.” Data … Read more

Rational Riot Response: Kenosha Area Gun Sales Skyrocket

TMZ – yes, really, TMZ – reported a significant surge in gun sales in Kenosha, Wisconsin and surrounding areas. That shouldn’t be surprising, really, although considering the gun sales spikes we’ve been seeing nationwide it’s a little startling that they can go up even more. But riots and burning buildings are tend to motivate people. … Read more

Even a Fraction of Those 5 Million New Gun Owners Could Make a Difference in November

It might not be necessary for the president to receive large numbers of votes from those five million new gun owners, or even a significant number of them, to win reelection. He is expanding his support among evangelicals and independents. He is receiving help from the Democrats as they try to prop up their candidate … Read more

Democrats Betting Big That Gun Control Will Still Appeal to Middle-of-the-Road Suburban Voters

The subhead of this Atlantic article is ‘The party is betting that support for restrictions is more likely to attract moderate voters than turn them off.’ That probably seemed like a really good strategy before March, when a pandemic followed by widespread rioting, looting and defunding of police departments sparked the biggest gun buying surge … Read more

The Best Barometer of How the Election Will Go in November is Gun Sales

From day one of the violence in Seattle and Portland, President Trump offered federal help but those cities’ mayors and each of the others whose cities were being ravaged declined his offer.  As a result, half of all black-owned businesses in the affected cities have been destroyed by the rioting or lost to the lockdown. It … Read more