According to both Fox News and CNN in a still-developing story, a soon-to-be-fired disgruntled worker at a beer distributor has killed at least one person and wounded two. Details are sketchy at best, with various reports of the number of wounded and just how many people are dead. Hartford Distributors is one of Connecticut’s largest beer and wine distributors. The perp, a recently-hired driver for the company, had been called in for a meeting with management and union officials to discuss “a disciplinary problem.” Other reports say he was being called in for a termination meeting. Apparently, one of the wounded is a member of the family who owns the distributorship.
gun violence
YouTube Pulls Video for “Excessive Violence”
Apparently, calling an M.I.A. video “controversial” is like calling the Pope “Catholic.” No duh! M.I.A. (nee: Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam) is a British songwriter, record producer, singer, rapper, fashion designer, visual artist, political activist, and artist of Sri Lankan origin. He’s also an aficionado of the Tamil Tigers, as well as their separatists efforts to create a Free Tamil. She made it onto the list of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people, for her “global influence across many genres”. Funny I’ve never heard of her before now.
Brace Yourselves.
- April 10: Muskogee Police Capt. Scott Shields escorts medics as they load an injured man into an ambulance in Muskogee, Okla. [AP photo]
It’s Sunday, and I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. This morning, I awoke to hear about a story that made the national headlines – a shooting in a shopping mall in Oklahoma.
How long will we have to wait before the anti-gun people come out of the woodwork, loudly proclaiming that this is all the fault of gun nuts, and if only we passed laws prohibiting the private ownership of guns, we’d all be safer, happier, and better off?
But if you scratch beneath the headline, you’ll find that there’s a bit more to this story than the sensational lead alone. To wit: