What Gun, What Ammo, and What to Do Now

[ED: We originally ran this post in March of 2020. You’ll probably remember what things were like then. COVID is no longer the issue it was and ammo is far more plentiful, but we have other problems and lots of people seem to be anticipating interesting times in the next 12 months. My next door … Read more

Gun Writer Jorge Amselle Supports Hillary Clinton for President UPDATED

According to his Amazon.com bio, “Jorge Amselle is an NRA certified firearms instructor, a military veteran, bullseye shooter, and full time professional firearms writer for various national gun magazines, including Combat Handguns, Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement, Special Weapons for Military and Police, Rifle Firepower, American Rifleman, and Shooting Illustrated.” In 2013, Mr. Amselle (above) wrote about the Dick Metcalf … Read more