Fifth Circuit: A Marijuana User Doesn’t Lose His Gun Rights When He Isn’t High

Just as there was no historical justification for disarming a citizen of sound mind, there is no tradition that supports disarming a sober citizen who is not currently under an impairing influence. Indeed, it is helpful to compare the tradition surrounding the insane and the tradition surrounding the intoxicated side-by-side. The Founders purportedly institutionalized the … Read more

Legalizing Weed Has Resulted In Fewer Illegal Guns Found and Confiscated in New York City

Under NYPD enforcement guidelines outlined in a March 31 memo that cited the new pot [legalization], cops are banned from searching a vehicle’s trunk just because they smell pot during a traffic stop. The “sweeping changes” — which took effect immediately — also prohibit cops from searching anyone just for toking up “almost anywhere that cigarette smoking is … Read more