Shuham: Far Too Many Americans Still Hold the Delusional Belief That Guns Make Them Safer

Large portions of the American public still believe false claims of all kinds about guns, the COVID-19 pandemic and reproductive health, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows. Though the poll found that percentages of Americans who believe that false claims are “definitely” true is small, the portion who think they are “probably” true is … Read more

Clark: Silly Gun Owners…You’re Better Off Running Than Using a Gun to Defend Yourself

People have strong feelings about guns. I don’t think everyone needs to hate them, and I see value in people hunting for their meat instead of buying it from factory farms, where animals are mistreated. But studies have found that gun control reduces gun violence. According to a policy evaluation conducted by the Harvard Injury Control … Read more

We Need to Put a Big ‘I Did That’ Biden Sticker On Every Gun Sales Report

Americans have been buying a lot of guns. The figure is in the tens of millions. It might be time to get one of the gas pump stickers of President Joe Biden saying, “I did that.” After all, it is his failing policies that are driving many to take up lawful gun ownership. The Biden … Read more

Sorry, Civilian Disarmament Advocates, but Guns Aren’t Going Away in America. Ever

  There’s no reason that guns will become less important (in American culture) than they’ve been historically because the same things that motivated gun ownership, again, from the seventeenth century all the way until today, are likely to remain in place. Which is, again, social uncertainty, social unrest, and the problems guns help people to … Read more

Heller’s Limits: Regulating Firearms and Limiting Gun Rights Protect Our Democracy

Heller’s distinctive focus poses a threat because the Court — changed by Trump appointments — is poised to expand constitutional protections for gun rights outside the home, without taking into account how the practice of public carry has changed in the last decade. “Open carry” advocates have sought, self-consciously and with some success, to normalize … Read more

Guns, Faith and Defending Against Evil

Gloria is 40 years old, a mother of five and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She is also a gun owner. Gloria was one of the dozens of gun owners interviewed by two University of Kansas researchers, Abbie Vegter and Margaret Kelley, for a groundbreaking new study exploring the … Read more

Civilian Gun Ownership is Essential in a World of Uncertainty and Scarcity

By Aaron Tao A common joke in the American gun community goes something like this: Q: Why do you carry a gun? A: Because carrying a cop is too heavy. This humorous quip should not detract from the fact that many individuals in the United States (including me) own and carry a firearm for purely … Read more