Mythbusting With Gunsite Academy

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to attend the 250 Pistol class at Gunsite Academy. Since attending, I’ve found there are a lot of people with strong opinions about Gunsite, but they have nearly zero correlation with the reality those of us who have actually trained there experienced. With this in mind, I thought … Read more

Training: 5 Tips for Finding the Right Firearms Instructor for You

By Eve Flanigan The quest to shoot better, to be an effective bodyguard for one’s self and loved ones or even to just learn to handle a gun safely usually requires live interaction with an instructor. Though there is a lot of worthy content online, handling firearms has physical, kinetic and sometimes mathematical challenges that … Read more

VIDEO: Crimson Trace RAD Launch Event Behind The Scenes

  Last week Dan and I visited Gunsite Academy as part of Crimson Trace’s RAD Rapid Aiming Dots launch. We did a bunch of training and shooting with CT’s new RAD optics line mounted to both pistols and rifles, and managed to snag some footage along the way: In addition to the RAD Max, the … Read more

Is Anyone Still Using the Weaver Stance?

My shooting stance got the job done, but it still earned the rod of correction from an instructor. “Pull your weak-side arm in a little. Elbow pointing down now. Flex the strong side arm a little. There.” Noticing the pained expression on my face as I tried to aim using the position she demanded, my teacher … Read more

BREAKING: Intuit Offers Gunsite Academy Monetary Compensation After Quickbooks Termination

In mid-May we were the first to break the news of Intuit’s poor treatment of Gunsite Academy. Today we have an update, one that’s both surprising and validating to the importance of fighting for our Second Amendment rights in all facets of our lives and business practices. On May 18, I reported the following: A couple … Read more

Intuit QuickBooks Severs Ties with Gunsite Academy, Reverses Tens of Thousands in Credit Card Charges. Because Guns

There’s been yet another incident of ignorance merging with a desire to undermine our Second Amendment rights resulting in financial attack on a prominent industry company. This time it’s one I consider the equivalent of church for gun owners: Gunsite Academy in Paulden, Arizona. Gunsite, which was founded by the late Col. Jeff Cooper in … Read more