Jack Ballard Trashes Pro-Gun Credentials in Montana Senate Campaign Interview with Tom Gresham

Outdoor writer Jack Ballard has launched a campaign for the Democratic nomination for US Senate seat in Montana. In an interview with Tom Gresham on Sunday, Ballard indicated his support for Democrat-backed gun control measures like magazine capacity limits and more. In other words, outdoor writer Jack Ballard has outed himself as a virulent Fudd. … Read more

Tom Gresham: Wayne Must Go

On his GunTalk radio show and website, Tom Gresham has added his voice to the cacophony calling for the ouster of Wayne LaPierre as Executive Director at the National Rifle Association. “The CEO has failed,” Gresham wrote.  “…[I]t’s time for a new leader.” Gresham has had his “Gun Talk” radio show since 1995 and has … Read more