7 Things to Look For in an AR-15 Handguard

By Brad Steenrod AR 15 Handguard: Free floating or drop-in? Aluminum or Polymer? Quad rail, Keymod, M-LOK, or no rail? Choosing a handguard for your AR-15 can be confusing, with all of the options that are available. Even the names can be confusing (handguard, forend, forearm, foregrip – they’re all the same). But picking the right … Read more

Gear Review: CZ Scorpion Evo Carbine Handguard

CZ-USA is beginning to send Scorpion Evo Carbine handguards out into the market as a stand-alone product. The likely purchaser will be the Scorp Evo Pistol / SBR owner who wants the longer carbine forend to extend out over a suppressor. Hey, that’s me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sQWqTdzV7c I’m usually so excited to install a new part that … Read more