Nashville Homeowner Shoots Armed Intruder Breaking into His House

A Nashville homeowner shot a man who allegedly attempted to break into his house early Saturday morning, with police deeming the act self-defense, according to local authorities. The incident occurred in the Trinity Hills neighborhood just before 6 a.m. when homeowner and his family were startled by loud banging on their front door and windows, … Read more

Gun Review: The Walther PDP Compact 5-Inch Barrel

The pistol illustrated is a result of my diligent searching for interesting pistols to own, shoot, carry and report on. It has been quite a while since HK introduced their polymer-frame P9 and almost as long since Glock introduced their game changing Glock 17. Polymer frame striker-fired handguns are easily the most popular pistol on … Read more

Glock: The Beginning

In the early days of shooting, or BG (Before Glock) as it is known, pistols were complex collections of fitted parts that made for a sometimes precarious balance of reliability and function. This became very evident when a shooter would attempt to go beyond a general field stripping of their pistol to replace a part … Read more

Chicks Dig the Gun & Other Fun Findings from the NSSF’s Latest Shooting Participation Report

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) just released their annual Firearm Ownership & Sport Shooting Participation in the U.S. report with stats from 2022. And while the mainstream media and anti-gunners would try to argue that gun rights groups and pro-freedom politicians are out of touch with the desires of mainstream America, the report revealed … Read more

Does Trigger Finger Position Matter? No. But Also Yes. But Also No.

An interesting post on Twitter/X by Yellow Peril Tactical raises an interesting question: does trigger finger position matter? In this article, I’m going to explore this topic. They’re right in some ways, but it’s a complex topic that needs to be explored further. The reason you are missing with handgun. If you are using the … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: The FN Model 1922

I’ve become more and more of a fan of old guns. I cursed myself today when I was outbid on an Ithaca 37 Police, and it’s now going for higher than I’m willing to pay. What wasn’t selling for higher than my willingness to pay was an FN Model 1922. I think what attracts me … Read more

Hands On With American Tactical’s New FXH-45 Moxie Hybrid 1911

American Tactical has announced their new FXH-45 Moxie late last month, bringing what some see as another 1911 chambered in .45 ACP to the handgun market. But it did catch my eye recently when I had the opportunity to shoot it. Here’s why, but first, some specs. The American Tactical FXH-45 Moxie is a hybrid … Read more

Syracuse Asks Citizens to Inform on People Making ‘Ghost Guns’

The city of Syracuse, New York had seen an overall nine percent decrease in crime in the last year. Now, though, they’re asking their citizens to adopt Stasi tactics in their fight against a growing scourge. CNY Central reported: Part of the problem, police say, is ghost guns. “A ghost gun is an untraceable gun … Read more

Devil Dog Arms Launches New DDA 10mm 1911

As a serious fan of 10mm – hey, I handgun hunt a lot – I’m pleased to see Devil Dog Arms coming out with a new 1911 chambered in one of my favorite hog calibers. Here’s the official release info from DDA: The DDA 10mm 1911 is the perfect choice for the handgun hunter, the … Read more