Gear Review: Hold Ur Fire Pistol Storage and Transportation System

Perusing the photo-pandemic known as Instagram, my heart rate kicked up and my finger slid to an abrupt stop on an unlikely image. It wasn’t the latest innovation in arms – I was getting my first look at the Hold Ur Fire Kit – a slick system for organizing, storing, and transporting your smaller arms … Read more

Full-Sized Advantage in a Subcompact Frame: The New Walther PPQ SC

(sponsored content) If you want the advantages of a full-sized handgun in a subcompact package, Walther just released the handgun for you. The newly released Walther PPQ SC, which debuted mere weeks ago at SHOT Show 2018, is the carry gun for gun carriers. Built off the same PPQ platform that’s already proven itself functional, … Read more

Ron Grobman Splits My Old Business Card with a Wilson Combat Modified GLOCK 19

In the video below, TTAG writer, former IDF sniper and Tactical Fitness Austin Krav Maga gun guru Ron Grobman splits my old business card at five yards or so shooting a Wilson Combat modified GLOCK 19. And it was only our third take! I’ll be reviewing the handy WC GLOCK soon. Suffice it to say, … Read more

Gun Review: Smith & Wesson Model 360 .357 Magnum Revolver

  Jeff Gonzales (above) looked at the Smith & Wesson Model 360 .357 Magnum revolver I had in my hands. “Why don’t I just kick you in the balls?” Good question! At 58, my testicles are of less practical value than my hands. But I’m nothing if not an idiot. So I loaded up the … Read more

New from Walther Arms: PPQ M2 Q4 TAC 9mm Handgun [VIDEO]

Since disengaging from Smith & Wesson, Walther Arms has been going from strength to strength. Their PPQ pistols have won sales by dint of their superior (if funky looking) ergonomics, a trigger as crisp as a fresh head of iceburg lettuce and a trigger reset as short as the list of Democrats who support the … Read more

Washington Post Columnist Colbert King: I Own a Gun But NO WAY I’m Going to Carry One

Through a miracle of modern jurisprudence, Washington, D.C. has transitioned from a complete handgun ban to “shall issue” concealed carry. (The government now must show good cause why they shouldn’t issue a carry permit to a citizen.) This in The Washington Post’s own backyard! No surprise, then, that the rabidly anti-gun rights rag gave editorial space to … Read more

New From Walther Arms: Creed 9mm Pistol

Walther’s just announced a value priced addition to its line of handguns. Called the Creed, the “pre-cocked double action” TENIFER-coated pistol will pack 16+1 rounds of 9mm parabellum in a size that should make it a viable choice for one gun to handle both concealment and home defense duties…all for an MSRP of $399. If … Read more

Gun Review: NAA Mini Revolver


In the world of production firearms, there aren’t many smaller than the offerings from North American Arms. Its Guardian series is about as petite as semi-automatic pistols come, and I believe its Mini-Revolvers may be the smallest production revolvers in the world. There really aren’t many clothing choices — at least ones you can legally get away with in public — that would prevent carrying a gun this small. As I’ve owned an NAA Mini in .22 LR for about 5 years now, I think it’s high time I officially reviewed it . . .

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Fanboys and Firearms.

I’m a marketing guy, first and foremost. I was raised that way. From a very tender age, my pater familias drilled into my head how to get past the hype and determine if the advertiser was playing us. So I tend to look at things from a very skeptical, analytical point. But I’m also human. Marketing works on me, too, even if most of the time I can see through the techniques. Marketing is designed to make you react emotionally instead of logically. You can see that in the way people express their preferences. I can’t drive from here to school to pick up my daughter, without seeing at least one pickup sporting a vinyl cutout of a demonic looking Calvin, whizzing on the logo of a competitor’s product. And you see it a lot on TTAG. We have a variety of fanboys – 1911’s, Glocks, wheelguns – they all have a devoted base. But a reply to RF’s post last week asking if John Browning was the greatest gun inventor who ever lived got me to thinking: is this a good thing?

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