I’m a marketing guy, first and foremost. I was raised that way. From a very tender age, my pater familias drilled into my head how to get past the hype and determine if the advertiser was playing us. So I tend to look at things from a very skeptical, analytical point. But I’m also human. Marketing works on me, too, even if most of the time I can see through the techniques. Marketing is designed to make you react emotionally instead of logically. You can see that in the way people express their preferences. I can’t drive from here to school to pick up my daughter, without seeing at least one pickup sporting a vinyl cutout of a demonic looking Calvin, whizzing on the logo of a competitor’s product. And you see it a lot on TTAG. We have a variety of fanboys – 1911’s, Glocks, wheelguns – they all have a devoted base. But a reply to RF’s post last week asking if John Browning was the greatest gun inventor who ever lived got me to thinking: is this a good thing?
Gun Review: S&W Governor (Take Three)
When Smith & Wesson introduced their ‘Governor’ .410/.45 Colt/.45 ACP revolver at the 2011 SHOT show, many gun guys assumed Hell had frozen over. Smith & Wesson imitating Taurus? More specifically, the Taurus Judge, a shotshell revolver widely panned for its dismal accuracy and poor double-action trigger pull. And? As Elvis said, Smith & Wesson … Read more
The Massad Ayoob Chronicles, Part V
If you’re just now joining the party, we strongly recommend that you go back and start at the beginning with Parts I thorough IV. If you enjoyed Part IV, on flying and the Suarez controversy, sit back and get ready for some more thought-provoking ideas from the acknowledged expert on personal defense. Today, we cover personal defense in the home, and the burning question of the TTAG Armed Intelligencia: What about modifying my gun?
Sunday Morning Funnies: 10 Ways to Kill a Pumpkin.
One of my favorite arguments coming from the Lunatic Left, KoolAid-drinking gun-grabbing Progressives, gun-control advocates is that if you take away private ownership of guns, violence would be virtually eliminated. Um . . . not so much. Consider the humble pumpkin . . .
Question of the Day: Can You Think of Any New Handgun and Rifle Drills?
A member of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia named washlefi writes:
I’m trying to come up with some new (at least new to my audience) training drills for the handgun and rifle. Our range isn’t as swank as the Scottsdale facility above (whose is?), but we have a lot of capabilites at our range. Unfortunately we tend to not use them as much as we should. We have three bays of six steel plates, numerous “pepper popper” steel targets, 24 shooting lanes with turning targets, up to 50 yards on our lower range and up to 100 yards on our upper range. The lower range has the capability of shooting in 270 degrees, which is nice. We have mobile barricades and a patrol car.
The World’s Most Powerful Handguns: Wretched Excess Division
Yep. In a world where “bigger is better,” there’s always some enterprising engineer that wants to lay claim to the title. And it seems there’s no shortage of entrants. Of course, I’m wondering if you couldn’t get professional sponsorship for such a competition – say a cabal of chiropractors and sports medicine surgeons. I mean, … Read more
How NOT to Teach Your Wife About Handguns
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ13IdvRBkU Not sure how much you need to say about a video like this, but I feel compelled to make the following observations… Don’t try this at home. At least, don’t try this at home if you want to stay married. Or if you’d rather that she not shoot you. What in the HELL did … Read more
Texas Starbucks Robbed At Gunpoint
Lost among the hyperbole of Starbucks’ policy of allowing local custom/laws to determine their position on conceal carry is the question: “has Starbucks ever been robbed at gunpoint?” To which I can reply without hesitation, “yes.” My ex-wife witnessed an armed robbery at a Texas Starbucks. It went down like this . . .