NBC Falsely Claims Magazine Disconnects Improve Safety of Handguns

Around 11 people are killed each year because their handguns lacked a magazine disconnect, according to a massive 4,600-word special report by NBC News, which was released Friday.  The story’s title tells you all you need to know about the content: “A simple device could help curb accidental gun deaths, but most firearms don’t have it.” “Since … Read more

Murder Rate Down in 2024, Including In Florida After Enacting Permitless Carry

Remember back in the 1980s when gun control groups screeched that Florida would turn into the “Gunshine” state when the Sunshine State passed concealed carry? Many no doubt won’t as they are too young.  But we saw the same thing happen just last year as Florida adopted permitless carry. Instead of homicides going through the … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Ruby Pistol

One of the most common, recurring themes in warfare from the dawn of organized armed forces is a lack of weapons, equipment and ammo when you need it. The French found themselves in need of weapons, a lot of weapons, right around 1914. That pesky Great War raged on, and the French needed guns. The … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire – Beretta 950B Minx

I’m a fan of pocket-sized pistols, and it’s a rather recent fandom. I used to hate pocket pistols, and that’s because I didn’t shoot very well. As my skills progressed, I realized that most handguns are easy to shoot. Pocket pistols still provide a challenge, plus they tend to be very convenient for daily carry. … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire – PJK-9HP FP9 FEG Hi-Power

In the history of ridiculous names for guns, the FEG Hi-Powers stand out. For example, the gun I’ve got today is the Fegyver- és Gépgyártó Részvénytársaság PJK-9HP FP9. This is what happens when you live under communism. You’re marketing sucks, and branding is a pipe dream. I can’t tell you what that stands for, but … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: The Mauser HSc Super .380 Pistol

Pistol development in the early 1900s was rapid. Pistols were being spit out at a rapid rate, and it seemed that almost every other year, some new advancement would be made in the technology. In 1900, we got the first semi-auto pistol with a slide, and by 1911, we had the M1911. That’s how fast … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Mossberg Brownie

If I asked anyone what Mossberg is most well known for, they’d likely point to the famed 500 series pump guns. Those guns have made Mossberg a fortune and are genuinely awesome shotguns. Mossberg is still a family-run company, and if you ever go to their booth at SHOT, you have a high chance of … Read more

3 Reasons I Still Carry a Hammer-Fired DA/SA Pistol…And Always Will

Reader JS writes . . . I know, striker-fired pistols are the future (like genderless bathrooms and electric cars), and hammer-fired guns like my personal favorite, the Beretta 92, are relics of an ancient past. Allegedly. It’s just a matter of time until all of those antiquated guns with those pesky external hammers take their … Read more