Handguns = Rampant Murder? Nope.


Last night, I was chatting with a dear friend who lives in Australia. He made a statement heard in many quarters. “You Americans and your love of hand guns are ruining your country and making you the laughing stock of the civilized world.” All we had to do was “look at the numbers to see the truth.” Well, I did look at the numbers. If you compare the total number of murders in the U.S. to that of a small country like, say, Costa Rica, you’d be right. But to get a fair and balanced apples-to-apples comparison, you need to look at the number of crimes per 1,000 residents. Now it get’s really interesting . . .

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What if handguns were HAND-guns?

The imaginative folks over at H2 ask the rhetorical question, “what if handguns were hand-guns?” I’m also thinking how cool it would have been, if I could have gotten my hands to do that when I was a kid. Except for the bloodshed. Even at my blood-thirstiest, I never wanted to hurt anybody for real. … Read more