FPC: Biden/Harris Policies Are a Clear and Present Danger to Liberty, Freedom and the Constitution

As we have said before, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris represent a clear and present danger to liberty, freedom, the Constitution, and the values that have made America the greatest country in the world. Given the results of the Georgia runoff election, anti-rights politicians and bureaucrats are set to control the Congress, the … Read more

Existential Threat: Gun Rights and the Biden/Harris Agenda

By Alan M. Rice Joe Biden has been running for president for 32 years. Longtime advocates of the right to bear arms may remember that Joe Biden has run twice before, in 1988 and 2008. And if he is elected this year, he will be 78 years old on inauguration day – making him the … Read more

Large Capacity Self-Defense: Alabama Man Shoots One of Four Home Invaders

California Governor Gavin Newsom — who wasn’t pleased by the Ninth Circuit’s recent decision — has called so-called large capacity magazines “weapons of war.” Both doddering Joe Biden and his prospective President-in-waiting have expressed their eager willingness to outlaw magazines that hold more than the magical number of ten rounds, and do it on a … Read more

Yes, President Kamala Harris Really Does Intend to Take Your Guns

Doddering Joe has pledged to act within his first 100 days to do something about “gun violence,” if elected. Once he’s been put out to pasture following the election, President Harris has made it quite clear that her intent is to outlaw “assault weapons” and home-made firearms by whatever means necessary. While USA Today is correct that … Read more

The Best Barometer of How the Election Will Go in November is Gun Sales

From day one of the violence in Seattle and Portland, President Trump offered federal help but those cities’ mayors and each of the others whose cities were being ravaged declined his offer.  As a result, half of all black-owned businesses in the affected cities have been destroyed by the rioting or lost to the lockdown. It … Read more

Ill-Informed Kamala Harris’ Race to the Anti-Gun Left

By Larry Keane As the gun debate’s presence in the national media and social media has grown over the past several years, it has become increasingly clear that many of the prominent lawmakers calling for increased gun control are either unwilling or unable to do their homework on what laws and regulations already exist. U.S. … Read more