reports that a group called “Heeding God’s Call” has launched a second protest campaign against a local gun dealer. The paper says some 40 supporters rallied outside the The Shooter Shop in North Philadelphia. Heeding God’s Call justified the protest by citing “a 2004 study that identified the 120 gun dealers in America – out of 80,000 registered sellers – that had each sold at least 200 guns traced to crimes. With 208 traces, the Shooter Shop made its way onto the bottom of this list.” The shop’s attorney countered the group’s assertion. “Dan Del Collo, who was at the protest, dismissed the 2004 study as unreliable. For one thing, he said, it drew on data that were a decade old or more. Del Collo also said a large number of traces could merely reflect sales volume, not reckless sales practices.” Or it could reflect reality. Either way, the event itself was a model of peaceful protest, on both sides . . .