Another Win for Dick Heller: DC Repeals Limit on Rounds Carried by Permit Holders

Dick Heller has been a persistent thorn in the side of District of Columbia’s anti-gun government and police department for well over a decade and good on him for it. The 2008 decision in Heller v. DC is a Supreme Court landmark that clarified, finally, that the Second Amendment protects the individual right to keep … Read more

Gun Tweet of the Day: Your Gun Rights Are Just as Precarious As Abortion Rights

He is, of course, correct (about the term). Nothing in the Constitution dictates that everyone can have a handgun without permits, etc. That’s a policy preference. It would be just as accurate (if not more so, for the moment) to open a clinic offering “Constitutional Abortions” — Peter Sagal (@petersagal) May 2, 2022 Discuss.

Dick Heller Sues District of Columbia Again, This Time Over the City’s ‘Ghost Gun’ Ban

[A] new lawsuit argues that the city’s law [banning “ghost guns”] is overly broad and outlaws all polymer-based guns, including the top-selling handguns made by Glock — which are issued to most D.C. police officers. (The law makes an exception for military and law enforcement users.) The city has a poor track record in its attempts to … Read more

BREAKING: Dick Heller Sues District of Columbia Over Ban on Home Made Firearms and ‘Ghost Guns’

Dick Heller, of Heller v. DC fame has filed suit today in US District court in the District of Columbia challenging the city’s ban on “ghost guns” and individuals making their own firearms. Here’s a key excerpt . . . 9. The District has clearly not learned from its numerous defeats of in the courts, … Read more

Cornell: Originalism Means Gorsuch and Barrett Should Rule in Favor of Strict Gun Control

In another of Heller’s odd intellectual moves, Scalia read the Second Amendment backwards, and in the process effectively erased the text’s preamble. To justify this unusual reading strategy, an interpretive approach that Stevens reminded his colleagues on the bench had never been done in the court’s history, Scalia cited legal treatises written decades after the adoption of the Second … Read more

Gottlieb: Democrats’ Court Packing Attempt Threatens the Heller and McDonald Decisions

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The proposal by four anti-gun Capitol Hill Democrats to pack the U.S. Supreme Court by adding four positions is “an outrage” and an attempt to prevent the high court from accepting cases and handing down rulings favorable to the right to keep and bear arms, the Second … Read more

NSSF: The Supreme Court Must Resolve the Problems Created by the Ninth’s Young v. Hawaii Ruling

From the NSSF . . . The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearm industry trade association, rejects the legal gymnastics the 7-4 en banc panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit employed to rule the Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to bear arms outside the home. The court’s ruling … Read more

Law Profs: We Must Limit Gun Rights To Ensure Our Democracy, Our Republic and Our Freedom

Why regulate guns? The standard answer is that gun laws can prevent needless deaths and physical injury. But this is not a complete accounting. As gun-brandishing protesters and armed invasions of legislatures demonstrate, guns inflict more than physical injuries—they transform the public sphere on which a constitutional democracy depends. America must regulate guns not only … Read more

Is ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Even a Thing?

By MarkPA Back when I was in high school, we spoke simply of “gun control.” Congress passed “An Act to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for better control of the interstate traffic in firearms”, more simply called the “Gun Control Act of 1968”. Somewhere along the way, the rhetoric changed. The phrase … Read more