Illinois House GOP Pushes Back Against SB 1966 Higher FOID Fees

Illinois SB 1966 is a draconian bill that will increase Firearms Owner ID card fees, require mandatory fingerprinting (at gun owner’s expense), and make the FOID card valid for only 5 years instead of 10. You MUST have one of these cards in the Land of Lincoln to legally posses a firearm (although a few … Read more

Victim of Aurora Shooting Sues Illinois State Police Over FOID Issuance Error

If you’ll remember, the man who shot up the Henry Pratt Company in Aurora, Illinois was issued an Illinois Firearms Owner ID Card despite having a felony record. He then used the FOID card to purchase the gun he used to murder five people. Five police officers were injured in the a shoot-out before the … Read more

Aurora Shooter Had Felony Record Before Getting His Illinois FOID Card, Gun

Gary Martin was in the process of being fired by his employer yesterday when he pulled a gun and began shooting, killing five people. He’d worked at Aurora, Illinois valve manufacturer Henry Pratt Company for fifteen years. According to the Chicago Tribune, Martin was issued an Illinois firearm owner identification (FOID) card back in 2014 … Read more